Singapore Jumpstarts Local Tourism with $100 SingapoRediscovers Vouchers
The tourism industry in many countries – including Singapore, has been adversely affected by the closure of borders to prevent further spread of COVID-19.
Amid global travel restrictions, Singapore’s government formulated a creative method to jumpstart local tourism with $100 SingapoRediscovers Vouchers. This initiative will help to stimulate domestic spending and boost employment rates within the tourism sector.
Tourism Vouchers as Economic Stimuli
In what appears to be its first giant step in reviving the tourism industry, the Singapore Tourism Board (STB) has introduced an economic scheme offering Singaporeans $100 Tourism Vouchers in December. This scheme accompanying the $45 million SingaporeRediscovers marketing campaign promoting holidays at home, would support local tourist attractions by encouraging Singaporeans to rediscover their backyard.
The Minister of Trade and Industry said that businesses outside of the tourism sectors such as food and beverages can also expect to enjoy the spillover benefits. The stimulus fund, which was announced in August, forms as part of the government efforts to revive the tourism industry.
Eligibility for $100 Tourism Vouchers in December
STB announced that the $100 Tourism Vouchers in December will be available to all Singaporeans aged 18 and above, who may use it for staycations, attraction tickets and local tours.
Made available in loose denominations of $10, these vouchers can offset spending in licensed hotels, leisure attractions and local tours, which have been approved by STB to resume operations with safe management measures. Adults can also buy up to 6 attraction or tour tickets at a subsidy of $10 off each for those under 18 years old. These vouchers can be redeemed digitally via SingPass.
The Minister stated that the duration of the voucher programme starts in December 2020 and will be valid until the end of June 2020. This coincides with Singapore’s school holidays in March, June and December, which will help to space out the expected high demands.
Utilizing of the Tourism Vouchers
The government has provided a list of 214 hotels, 40 attractions and 438 tour itineraries which have been cleared to operate with caution. With safe management measures in place, Singaporeans can utilize the vouchers to enjoy local tourist attractions like Singapore’s 4 wildlife parks, activities in Sentosa and Pulau Ubin’s guided tours. As this develops, STB has also announced the increase in operating capacity for tourist attractions, from the current 25% operating capacity to 50%.