Singapore Personal Income Tax Calculator YA2023

Singapore Personal Tax CalculatorFiling your returns could be daunting if you have zero knowledge about tax filing. When it comes to preparing your tax return you want to make sure you have all the bases covered. The very important thing you need to know about personal income tax is the tax rates, tax reliefs, incentives available, as well as the different tax treatments for residents and non-residents.

The income tax rates will depend on whether you are resident or non-resident. The amount and tax rates for residents are different from non-residents. Non-residents are taxed at a higher rate and are not entitled to a tax-free threshold.

Though it sounds complicated when it comes to filing tax returns, there are ways that can save your time and let you manage tax filing in a hassle-free manner. 3E Accounting always understands your need and thus we have a solution for you.

With our Singapore personal income tax calculator, you will be able to get a quick tax payable estimate and accurately forecast your income tax before you file to see how much you may get back or what you may owe on your tax return.

How It Works

  1. About This Singapore Tax Calculator This Singapore tax calculator will work out tax rates, obligations and projected tax returns, or in some cases tax debts.
  2. When to Use This Calculator
    • if you're completing an income tax return, and
    • you're an individual person, and
    • once you know what your total taxable income is, then you can work out the tax on that taxable income.
  3. What You Will Need
    • You will need your financial information like total taxable income and net employment income.
    • This calculation doesn't take into account any tax credits which may reduce your tax. It only calculates the income tax on the taxable income you enter.
  4. After You Finish You will have complete information about personal tax obligations and how much you need to pay.

Year of Assessment 2017 to YA2023

Employment Income
Less: Employment Expenses
Trade, Business, Profession or Vocation
Rental Income from Property
Royalty, Charge, Estate/Trust Income
Gains or Profits of an Income nature
Less: Approved Donations
Earned Income Relief
Spouse/Handicapped Spouse Relief
Qualifying/Handicapped Child Relief
Working Mother's Child Relief
Parent/Handicapped Parent Relief
Grandparent Caregiver Relief
Handicapped Sibling Relief
CPF/Provident Fund Relief
Life Insurance Relief
Course Fees Relief
Foreign Maid Levy Relief
CPF Cash Top-Up Relief
Supplementary Retirement Scheme Relief
NSman Relief
Tax Payable on Chargeable Income
Less: Personal Income Tax Rebate
Less: Parenthood Tax Rebate

3E Accounting understands the difficulties in tax filing for personal income, therefore we are here to help you to understand more about tax filing in Singapore, as well as to provide you with the professional tax accountant services. Contact us today to assist you on your personal income tax.

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