Importance Of Informing ACRA / IRAS On Changes – Company Owners Must Know
All company owners in Singapore are advised to file any change of name or office address with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) immediately. This can be done online via ACRA Bizfile.
There is no need to inform or update IRAS separately of the change in name or address. IRAS will update its records based on the information filed with ACRA. It is important to keep the company’s particulars updated as such information can be used for tax assessment purposes, as well as for the Inland Revenue Authority Of Singapore’s (IRAS) communication with the company. Under the law, IRAS is required to send all Income Tax Forms and notices to the registered address of the company.
Update Documents to ACRA / IRAS
If records are not updated, IRAS will be unable to send the forms and notices to a correspondence address that is not your company’s registered address as per ACRA’s records. If you wish to receive the forms and notices at a correspondence address other than the current registered address, it is important to update the correspondence address as the company’s registered address with ACRA. If you have changed the company name, you have to send in the required documents, which are: The company’s tax reference number, name before the update, new name and a copy of ACRA’s email notification on change of name or a copy of Biz Profile from ACRA.
As for the change of address, the required documents are the company’s tax reference number, company name and company’s new address that has been updated with ACRA. All these can be done via email. You may have separately requested for GST related correspondence to be sent to another address (GST mailing address). You are also required to inform ACRA and IRAS separately when your company has changed it’s financial year end or it’s principal activity. Currently, principal activity changes filed with ACRA are not transmitted to IRAS. IRAS and ACRA are working together to explore having ACRA transmit the information to IRAS in future as part of it’s broader collaboration with ACRA to have a common point for obtaining companies’ details.
e-Services Authorisation System (EASY)
If you have changed your tax agents, your company is required to authorise it’s agents using the e-Services Authorisation System (EASY). If a tax agent is e-Filing on your company’s behalf, you can only authorise one tax agent for a particular tax type in EASY at any one time. Hence, if you have changed your corporate tax agent, you will have to remove your authorisation for your old tax agent and authorise the new one in EASY. Finally, when there is a change in partners, these changes must be submitted within 30 days of the change.