One-Stop Filing Service to Make Things Easier for Charities
One-Stop Filing Service Aims to Save Cost for Charities
A new one-stop filing service will save 2,000 charities in Singapore administrative costs by filing their annual submission just once.
Singapore’s Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA), the Registry of Societies (ROS) and Commissioner of Charities (COC) have joined forces to form a one-stop service for this purpose. This will help minimise the compliance costs involved and the administrative burden charities now must deal with.
The launch of the new one-stop filing service was announced at the Charity Governance Conference at Furama Riverfront Hotel. Prior to the launch of the new one-stop service, charities filed their submissions either with ACRA and COC, or ROS and COC.
New Data-sharing Initiative
The COC is also piloting a new data-sharing initiative together with National Council of Social Service (NCSS). The new pilot will benefit charities funded by the NCSS through the Community Chest of Tote Board. With the pilot service, these charities can submit their financial and program statements directly to the COC. This can be done through the Charity Portal. Information on this portal will be shared with the NCSS. Prior to this service, submissions were made to both COC and the NCSS.
COC and NCSS will seek feedback on these initiatives prior to expanding it. COC expects the reporting process to be better streamlined. Charities will benefit and get more time to focus and direct their resources towards better helping beneficiaries.
The Singapore Government has pledged to work alongside these organisations to strengthen their governance capabilities. The Government will also lend support in the formation of impactful and lasting partnerships.
The one-stop filing service and other initiatives will minimise the administrative workload charities currently must deal with. Those with limited manpower will find this a relief. Hopefully, these initiatives are the first step towards enhancing the productivity of these charities.