Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA)’s Website Has a Brand New Look
The Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) Singapore has a brand new look with focus on more customer centric features and improved user-friendly layout.
The features on ACRA’s revamped website includes info-graphics, menus which are intuitive navigation and dynamic visual designs. The information in the website is now segregated according to several categories. Each category is catered towards the different business entities in Singapore, and according to the related reporting and operational stages.
Users will now be able to easily information on filing annual returns, AGM exemption or striking off a company easily on the top navigation bar. Information on key statutory requirements and common offences can be found under the Compliance Section tab, located at the top of the main page.
eServices are available to the left of the websites, where users can easily login to BizFile. There are also quick links which direct users towards the How to Guides, publications, legislation and information for Corporate Service Providers and Public Accountants. Information found within the How to Guides section is grouped according to entity type and the life cycle of each entity according to Starting, Managing and Closing to make it easier to navigate.
To access ACRA’s new website, click here.