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Trademark Registration Services in Singapore
Protect your Ideas and Identity
What is a Trademark?
Trademarks are symbols used by a business or trade to distinguish their goods or services from those of other players in the market. Commonly-used symbols to identify a trademark are ® and TM. The two symbols are different in the following ways:
Identifying Trademarks
- ® refers to a registered and protected trademark pursuant to trademark laws; whereas
- ™ merely identifies that the mark is being used as a trademark by the owner, but the mark is not necessarily registered or protected under trademark laws.
Trademark symbols protect your unique brands, words, logos, letters, names, signatures, numerals, devices, brands, headings, labels, tickets, shapes, colors, aspects of packaging or a combination of these in relation to your goods or services.
Benefits of Registering
Quality Assurance:
A registered trademark is a form of quality assurance to your customers and clients, sending a message to them that you take pride in your business and all the work you have invested in it.
Legal Rights:
Gives you absolute rights to enable you and your business to control the use of the trademarked sign for distinguishing purposes; otherwise the only protection is for you to go to court to rectify any imitation and/or infringement of your brand or good name.
You can prevent another party from using your distinguishing product or service, and from benefiting economically from the goodwill and market value that you have spent time and money to build up.
International Legal Protection:
Any claims you make against any infringing party that uses your trademark without your permission may be enforced beyond Singapore — for instance, in 83 countries that are signatories to the Nice Convention or through the Madrid Protocol System. This means that you may be able to stop infringing parties in these other countries from using your trademark (via an injunction), seek an accounting of profits or even seek damages from the offending party for unauthorized use.
Register Your Trademark or Logo Today!
Our expertise will guarantee the satisfaction of all the requirements in the process.
Our business filing experts can help advise the correct process to register a trademark. Email us at [email protected] and our experts will call you today.