3E C.A.R.E.S. – Supporting and Driving the Start-up Aspirations Within the Community
3E C.A.R.E.S. was developed to support and drive the start-up aspirations within our community. With the acronyms representing Courageous And Responsible Entrepreneurship Support, the programme employs 3E Accounting’s professional expertise as a corporate services provider and passion as a unionised Singaporean SME towards supporting local entrepreneurs, young adults, students, women, stay-at-home mothers, youths-at-risk, youths from low income families as well as people with disabilities and special needs.
The goal of 3E C.A.R.E.S. is help those within the community who choose to be independent, and create sustainable and profitable micro businesses while paving the way for their future growth. By uplifting the underserved segments of society, we hope to enable their upward mobility and betterment in life.
Components of the Programme
The programme comprises three components: Upskill capabilities; Dedicated 1-to-1 mentorship; and Overseas Expansion. Through a structured and iterative process, our startups gain the internal capacity which enables them to deal effectively with the various scenarios they may encounter in business. Externally, they gain the continued guidance from a skilled mentor to keep their sights focused on growth and to work with them where they encounter difficulties to build their resilience. Upon attaining a level of maturity, they will be prepared to acquire opportunities in new markets, segments and innovations through a meticulous and staged risk-managed internationalisation process.
Keen to get started or know of someone who would benefit from our comprehensive startup support and guidance? Drop us a mail at sme@3ecpa.com.sg . We hope to hear from you.
3E CARES – Success Story
3E CARES Success Story: Andie Chen
We helped local entrepreneur, Andie Chen to develop andiechen.com and successfully launched his website. 3E CARES – Courageous And Responsible Entrepreneurship Support contributes 3E Accounting’s professional expertise as a corporate services provider to support start-up aspirations within our community. We make it our mission to support local entrepreneurs. Hear what Andie has to say… Read More