At some points, companies will have to encounter with common law jurisdictions. To leave an official remark on that field, company seals, in hundreds of jurisdictions worldwide, are required. A company seal, or also known as a common seal or corporate seal, is an official remark or signature in the form of a seal used by a company to signify that any documents under the company seal are a legal binding corporate act or deed of the company and a subject to some minor exceptions.
Ancient Company Seals Vs Modern Company Seals
The use of a company seal in the administration of a company has been written in the history for thousands of years particularly from the era of ancient English law. An ancient company seal was made by making an imprint on a legal document by pressing a ring in hot wax. The use of a company seal still continues to the modern era for two purposes: as a legal requirement to issue share certificates or other legal documents under certain jurisdictions, and as a legal requirement in international transactions. A modern seal are likely to be the stamps that imprint some corporate information such as name, date of formation, country, etc. Widely used in business, company seals are purchasable in stationary and office supply vendors.
Company Seals in International Transactions
The power of a company seal under jurisdictions varies from one country to another. However, to have a company seal is never a wrong choice. Many countries worldwide still regards the power of a company seal under their jurisdictions and see it as a proof of the authentication of a legal document. The countries include Australia, Barbados, Bahamas, China, Croatia, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Maldives, Mauritius, Republic of Ireland, Russia, St. Kitts and Nevis, United Kingdom and the United States (just some states). In the countries, a lawyer may not recognize the efficacy of a legal contract that is not sealed with a company seal. So, companies, especially the multinational ones, involved in international transactions or contracts must have their official company seals.
Some legal documents that require company seals in use are agreements of sale, loan documents, leases, employment contract, vendor contract, minutes of directors’ meeting and commitments by a company. A company is allowed to change its corporate seal if needed as long as it is authorized by the initial director of the company in the organizational meeting. To save time, it is better to create a fixed company seal design at the very beginning. Even though, the quality of company seal is what matters, you can make an artwork of your company seal by designing a company seal sticker that can leave a good, strong impression under any jurisdictions.
Purchase your Company Seal Today.