You Must Build Employee Productivity
It is important to build employee productivity in every workplace, no matter what industry you are a part of. Recognizing the hard work of your employees can have a good impact on your company’s return on investment. In fact, the majority of workers work harder when their efforts are rewarded. If you focus on the hard work of your employee, you will have a higher chance of keeping them happier and be more committed to the end goal of your company.
Rewarding your employee for the good job they did keeps them inspired to work harder, making them more productive. If you dangle a reward in front of your employees, it keeps them moving until they earn that reward.
Rewarding and recognizing an employee’s hard work does not have to be only through money, but you must know how to use these rewards to get them to do more even if it is not always a salary raise. This is how you build employee productivity.
Make Sure Your Employees Know How to Earn Rewards
If the rewards guidelines are ambiguous, it can make your employees frustrated and feel alienated. Employees who are confused about the criteria they must meet could perceive an unfair treatment or bias once the recipients are recognized.
The top rewards programs announce and communicate the criteria clearly. In addition, the process is delineated on which rewards are recognized and distributed to qualified employees. Those who understand what they are working to have a higher tendency to perform better.
For instance, you are planning to launch a rewards-based program. Make sure that your employees know what they must do to earn rewards. When employees understand everything it takes to earn the rewards, they will be more participative and engaged.
Appreciate Victories No Matter What Size
When the company focuses mainly on rewarding big victories, it impacts the company’s equilibrium as a whole. Basically, it conveys that all you care about is landing big projects, and others do not matter. You must be able to keep people from feeling disappointed about their accomplishments. Indeed, you can make this possible by celebrating small wins as well. You must show them that their efforts are appreciated no matter what the outcome will be. When you recognize small wins, you are showing them that their efforts are appreciated.
Reward Good Teamwork and Cooperation
Team-based incentives have more effective when it comes to improving performance compared to individual ones, helping you build employee productivity. If the team-based rewards are not part of the company strategy, they have to be. In addition, resources that are devoted to team-based rewards must be substantial. This can have an important impact on the cooperation, employee cohesiveness and bottom-line.
Tie the Rewards to Standards of Performance
One cardinal rule to follow is to recognition and rewards with the performance of an employee. It is necessary for employees to understand how productivity and behaviours influence the outcome of their business. Employee rewards are an excellent way of showing this on a granular level.
For instance, if there is an initiative you want to focus on, you can have a rewards program according to how well teams and employees focus on initiatives. Like if your company has a quarterly goal of collecting more testimonials from customers about the products you offer. It is possible to have a rewards program for your customer service staff, so they have incentives to reach their quotas, helping your company build employee productivity. You can also reward great employees by treating them for lunch.
Reward Them With a Travel Perks
Business travels do not have to be stressful and nerve-wracking. Actually, it can be a reward. Most of the employees work 9 to 5, from Monday to Friday. They have no time to relax, which is why a short trip might be a good way to mix work and leisure. You can take your employees to a business conference, a team-building trip for everyone that lasts for a few days. This shows that you care about what happens to your employees, and they will be more committed to work harder than boosts your company’s ROI. They will also strengthen their expertise and skills.
Tailor the Reward to the Employee
Let each employee choose their own reward or choose what they must receive based on predefined circumstances. This enhances their commitment to achieving the reward by engaging in a required behaviour. It is important to understand the needs of employees.
Take note that the reward each employee wants might not be the same as those with the highest motivational influence. Most employees prefer cash rewards, but they will also perform better for non-cash rewards but are of the same value. Managers who want to gain the most impact from the rewards programs have to include cash and non-cash rewards for performance.
Frequently Refresh Your Rewards
Employees can easily get bored with specific rewards, which decreases its value over time. For employees to constantly aim for excellence, you should often update the rewards to give them a sense of urgency.
In addition, employees must not get comfortable with achieving the bare minimum. While the business objectives change, rewards and recognition benchmarks must also evolve. Rewards must always be incentivizing and not something automatic in the company. These rewards should often be refreshed to make sure your employees always feel excited about their rewards program.
Reward an Employee’s Continued Excellence
One aspect of a successful reward system to boost employee performance is acknowledging their excellent work. While almost any employee is able to meet their sales goals in a month or get positive customer scores per quarter, an employee who continues to show excellence must have a higher reward. It should be different than someone who only hits a milestone each time. Through the use of a workforce management software that tracks and rewards employees who continue to rise above the rest gives the employees a goal to aim for, it also gives the excellent employee a higher reward.
Invest in Personal Development of Your Employees
One of the best things you can do as a company owner is to invest in the personal development of your employees. A workforce with better skills drives a higher value for your business and establishes trust and appreciation for the best talent.
This kind of employee reward could cost more, but it pays dividends over time. You can sponsor certifications for the top performers or pay for a conference they can attend for personal development. You can also motivate employees to take online courses and help provide resources to make it possible. The knowledge they gain from this is invaluable to them and it enhances their work quality.
Praise Your Employee
Praising an employee does not cost a thing. Meaningful praise is the easiest way to show your employee that you care, and anyone appreciates that.
Giving them a handwritten thank you note or talking to them in private detailing your appreciation for the employee’s efforts creates a long dialogue about their performance. They will not forget about what you said and it keeps them on the right track to aim for excellence.
Do not send them a generic email or praise cards because it makes the gesture cheaper, making it feel like an obligation than a recognition. There are managers who believe in a recognition culture in their organization.
Base the Rewards on the Company’s Mission
Another factor to consider when planning employee rewards is that they are based on behaviours and accomplishments which are tied to the company’s mission. If there is no specific reason for rewarding employees, it makes them feel like you are recognizing them just for showing up instead of what they contribute. Employees seek to be recognized for the contributions they make that impacts the company differently, and not just another person in the workplace. This is why rewards have to be more specific, and it must be related to the company’s goals and mission. This includes rewarding employees if they are excellent team players and making the workplace a healthier place for everyone.
Donate to Causes Your Employees Care About
The company culture has a diverse concept which you can leverage to reach everyone. Each workplace has different employees with varying perspectives, values, and experiences. But you need to always remember to build employee productivity. The good thing about modern work is they all have different outlooks that converge into one to create an inspiring and rewarding atmosphere in the company. You can give back through social entrepreneurship, and it is a way to offer a reward that makes an impact outside the workplace creating a better bond between the company and your employees.
Hiring good talent is still a primary step in having an excellent workforce, and you can contact 3E Accounting to assist you with Singapore HR Grants Services for employee rewards.