Transitioning Your Business Online – E-commerce
Capitalize on e-commerce growth by transitioning your business online. 3E Accounting lays out the essentials to keep in mind.
One of the pandemic’s positive effects has been to spur a great migration online and drive global e-commerce. Companies the world over have had to rethink strategies and apply innovation to ensure survival. Transitioning your business online can be both exciting and daunting. 3E Accounting offers some handy tips to get you started.
Know Your Stats
E-commerce is a competitive landscape, and to make your mark and stand out, you will need to be aware of some basic statistics.
- Forty thousand searches are done on Google every second. Getting a Google My Business account is just good commercial sense.
- E-commerce sales hit USD3.453 billion in 2019 and are growing exponentially.
- 73% of shoppers want a personalized shopping experience.
- 80% will never return if you offer lousy customer service.
- More than three billion people are internet and social media users.
- Nasdaq has estimated that 95% of shopping will be online by 2040.
Further, there are almost two billion websites on the internet, and to ensure yours stands out, you will need excellent website design and development.
Website Design and Development
The one area that you need to be very serious about is your business’ website. Graphics, layout, content, design, and development must connect with your potential customers in approximately three seconds to get them to stay. Given the high standards, it’s best to let professionals like 3E Accounting do the website design and development. It will undoubtedly be money well spent.
Content is King
Content marketing is crucial to your online presence. An active online presence – via the website, blogs, videos, etc. – with good content is central to success. Customer demographics are very fluid, and change is the only constant when it comes to how people shop. Your content should feature the latest trends and news to attract a high footfall of organic traffic to your website. Content marketing, especially blogs, generate 126% more lead growth than any others.
Lead Generation
To be successful, your business must create and generate leads. Doing this online is no easy matter but can be successful with some innovative strategies in place. The main methods to develop lead generation are emails, events, and content marketing. Strategies include leveraging the company website, email marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and web forms.
Platforms, Partners and Such
To consolidate your shift online, you will need to get on a reliable platform. There are hundreds of platforms available, and you should choose based on your needs.
- Easy set-up, user-friendly, for beginners – WordPress, Shopify, WooCommerce. Ideal for micro or small business.
- SaaS (Software as a Service), more customization options or pro-SEO – BigCommerce, Magento, or Squarespace. Ideal for medium enterprises.
- Sophisticated, huge ecosystem, plenty of capabilities, features, and functions – Salesforce Commerce Cloud. Covers almost all business applications, ideally suited for multinational companies with high sales and traffic.
Also, do give due consideration to inventory and delivery. Both need to be addressed early on and not handled ad hoc. For an inventory, consider if you need storage space and investing in a tracking system. Similarly, for delivery, figure out if you are handling it yourself or working with a third party.
3E Accounting will be able to assist you in seamlessly transitioning your business online. Our team of talents offers a wide range of customizable solutions for your every need.
Contact 3E Accounting today and get started on a great new venture.