3E Accounting In Compliance With MOM Safe Management Measures
3E Accounting has adapted our business practices to comply fully with Ministry Of Manpower’s Safe Management Measures. With the appointment of an in-house Safe Management Officer (SMO), we have implemented a comprehensive plan to implement, monitor, remedy and record our Safe Management Measures. Along with detailed staff training, reminders and physical notices put up in our premises, we hope to achieve three objectives; To take care of our employees, to take care of our workplace as well as to take care of our employees who may be unwell at workplace.
Whether you are our staff, vendor, client, regulatory authority or the general public, we are happy to inform you of the following measures we have in place to protect you while you are in our premises.
Ensuring most employees work from home, only returning to office for work where there is no alternative. We facilitate work from home arrangements with the provision of a robust set of IT infrastructure such as laptops issued to every employee, Google Workspace services for collaborative work, Zoom for video-conferencing, as well as Double Robotics mobile robot which can travel around our workplace with visual and sound communication functions.
For our employees who have to return to office, we ensure that working and lunch hours are staggered, taking into account hours of congestion along their travel route to and from work. Employees are also reminded not to congregate at common areas, nor gather during meal times and outside work hours. Access between different office premises is also discouraged unless strictly necessary. Safe distancing of one metre is measured and at times visually demarcated across work desks, meeting rooms as well as receptionist desk.
Our external stakeholders’ well-being is our priority. Client and vendor appointments are by appointment only, and limited to the duration and number of attendees required to achieve the meeting objective. Reminders have been put on the front door to remind all stakeholders to register on the SafeEntry system when they enter and leave our premises, helping Ministry Of Health in establishing potential transmission chains. All stakeholders will be required to fill in a Travel Declaration Form upon entry into premise as well as be provided with mask and sanitizers for enhanced protection while in our premise. Thereafter, temperature checks will be done twice a day at 10am and 5pm.
We have also stepped up on enhanced cleaning measures in our workplace, with focus on areas with higher physical contact. This is such as receptionist table, door handles and shared equipment such as the printer. The building management team has also ensured that soap and toilet paper will always be available in the toilets, as well as cleaning routine for the common areas such as lifts and lobby.
We will continue to monitor employee work arrangements, ensuring that employees who have been in potentially affected clusters are put on 14-days Leave Of Absence to keep them away from our workplace. We will also actively monitor these affected employees as well as employees who are unwell, ensuring that any MCs, diagnoses and tests provided by the doctor for COVID-19 symptoms are kept and recorded. These employees will need to have fully recovered before being allowed back into the workplace.
Where a stakeholder falls ill or exhibits suspected symptoms while in our premise, our employees are trained and aware of the evacuation route to the nearest clinics and hospitals for medical attention. These stakeholders will need to leave our workplace immediately and for those who are unconscious, we will call 995 for an emergency ambulance to undertake the evacuation process to the nearest hospital. And where confirmed cases arise, we will cordon off the affected premise to carry out deep cleaning and disinfecting in accordance to NEA guidelines.
Finally, our Safe Management Officer has been trained by NTUC Learning Hub and OTC Labour Leadership Institute on implementing Safe Management Measures at the workplace.