The Labour Movement Is Concerned About How Will Workers Face the Fourth Industrial Revolution
After the third industrial revolution, workers have been doing jobs more or less the same way, albeit with the advent of computerisation. For many, computerisation was thought to be the peak of modernisation. Yet, here we are today facing another industrial revolution, Industry 4.0, where the scare is that some jobs will be eliminated. Now, more than ever is the best time to begin transforming for the future.
Industry 4.0 – Innovative Labour Movement
As such the labour movement is innovating to remain relevant in tandem with Industry 4.0. Hence, it is raising concerns about current job relevance to ensure workers are ready for new technology and business models. Even now, there are many startups disrupting traditional business models and practices. For insecure workers, they may feel Industry 4.0 is not for them. This is what the labour movement aims to eliminate as it is looking to work with more companies to transform and train workers for better job prospects.
Industry 4.0 Produces the New Unions for New Jobs
Since jobs and companies are on the rise in transforming for the future, the labour movement is creating new types of union to represent more workers. Some of these workers union may be repositioned with a renewed vision while others are created entirely new based on the necessity of workers new job prospects and industry.
Company Training Committee
Company training forms an integral part in preparing workers in adopting new technology as well new business practices. Currently, there is only 18 company training committee that is working in collaboration with the government in this course. The aim is to have 1000 company training committee so that it will reach up to 330,000 workers and expedite the process of preparing and transforming companies and workers for future jobs.
Reskilling, Retirement, Re-employment
The labour movement is also concerned with current retirement and re-employment age. Currently, it stands at 62 and 67 respectively. With the advent of job transformation, it is suggesting to raise the retirement and reemployment age to 65 and 70 respectively. This will enable senior workers to continue working if they wish to do so. For seniors, they find that being able to contribute to society gives them a sense of usefulness and if they are happy to work, they will be happy with reskilling as it gives them new knowledge and better outlook of the coming revolution.
Industry 4.0 is approaching fast. For the younger workforce, they welcome and embraced new technologies and with it, begin to introduce new business models. The labour movement is keeping up with this change and calls for all levels of workforce, businesses, unions and government to help train and transform workers to ensure companies and businesses can invest in new technology when the need arises and have workers ready to use it for the greater good of the company.