Supporting President’s Challenge 2020 During COVID-19
3E Accounting Founder Lawrence Chai has presented a cheque donation of $25,000 to the President’s Challenge 2020. The President’s Challenge is a yearly community outreach and fundraising campaign to support and empower vulnerable groups within the community this year. Beneficiaries can utilize these funds to upgrade their skills, capacity-building and employability.
At 3E Accounting, we believe that success is measured by how we care for those in need, especially so during a pandemic. This year, we made a pledge to donate $50 for every incorporation package delivered up to $25,000 to the President’s Challenge 2020. As a digital accounting firm, 3E Accounting concurrently launched a fundraising campaign on, to encourage our stakeholders, employees, clients and SME peers to support this initiative.
Donations to the fundraising campaign will help the beneficiaries in the following ways:
- Covering books and school fees for disadvantaged children and helps them to stay in school.
- Subsidising medical costs such as doctor visits and medication for the less fortunate.
- Covering the costs of skills training so that those with intellectual disabilities can be less dependent and live better lives.
- Providing dementia care to those with dementia.
With the impact of COVID-19 affecting the vulnerable groups in society disproportionately, 3E Accounting encourages industry peers and business associates to make a difference in corporate social responsibility and join us to support this meaningful cause.
3E C.A.R.E.S
As an active champion of empowering and supporting start-up aspirations within the community, Lawrence spearheaded 3E C.A.R.E.S, which represents Courageous And Responsible Entrepreneurship Support. This programme employs 3E Accounting’s professional expertise as a corporate service provider and passion as a unionized home-grown SME towards supporting different segments like local entrepreneurs, young adults, students, stay-home-mothers, youths-at-risk, youths from low-income families, individuals with disabilities and special needs. With this initiative, 3E Accounting strives to uplift the underserved segments of society by enabling their upward mobility and betterment in life.